Looking for Polled Hereford Pairs
Looking for 15, reasonably priced, 3-6 yr old, Polled Hereford pairs.
Show Heifer Prospects
Available September 1, 2019. Sired by Stock Option, Leader, Access, El Dorado, and American Made. For more information, call 580-492-4590.
Load of Bred Heifers
2014 born bred heifers, located in Southeast Colorado. Calving in January - Febuary, with a few in March. Bred to a LBW Registerd Angus Express Bull and a Classy Black Angus Bull. Vacinated with 7-way, Multimin 90, Scourgaurd, and back poured. 1000-1100 lbs reputation cattle.
Kelley Wollert: 719-688-1056
Tell Wollert: 719-688-2127
Wil Wollert: 719-688-2125
Wiley, C0 81092

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